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Free Text Questionnaire Feature Tutorial
Free Text Questionnaire Feature Tutorial

The Questionnaire Feature allows you to add surveys, quizzes, or tests to your app

Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What is the Questionnaire Feature?

With the Questionnaire Feature, you can create a survey, quiz, or test with multiple choice, true or false, and write-in questions. You can also assign point values to questions, and adjust the settings of your quiz enabling or disabling options such as giving users the ability to retake the quiz or see their score. You can also see how well your users are doing on the quiz as well as send people to different areas of your app depending on their overall score.

What are some use cases of the Questionnaire Feature?

Some use cases of this feature include:

  • Survey - If you have an app for your beauty products you can use the Questionnaire Feature to have your users take a survey about your latest line of products.

  • Quiz - You can use the Questionnaire Feature in your educational app to give users practice quizzes to help prepare them for upcoming classes.

  • Test - If your app is for police officers you can use the Questionnaire Feature to give them periodic tests to make sure they are up to date on your department’s current policies.

Data validation updates for Free text questionnaire :

  • The new updates includes :

  • Entry limit: The app owner will be able to specify the minimum and maximum value that can be entered. in case the user adds a higher or lower value they will get an error and will not be able to go to the next question, if left empty there will be no limit

  • Precision: Specify the number of decimals allowed , if left empty it will give flexibility to the user.

  • Unit: Specify the unit used for example euro, feet, km

  • Optional: The app owner can specify if the question is optional or required

  • Text:

    • Character limit allows the app owner to specify the amount of characters allowed

      • If the user adds more they will get an error message and will not be able to answer the next question

Optional: allow the app owner to make the question optional or required

How Do I Set Up The Questionnaire Feature, And How Is It Used In My App?

Now that you have some examples of what you can do with the Questionnaire Feature, let’s go over how to set it up in your app and what users experience when taking your survey, quiz, or test. First let’s go over how to set it up and the settings that you can apply to your quiz.

How To Set Up Your Quiz

Before we go over how to create questions in the Questionnaire Feature, let’s go over the global options you have available to you. When you first create a new instance of the Questionnaire Feature you’ll see some options that are already available to you:

The Test Title is what appears on the very first screen that the user sees when they tap on the Questionnaire feature in your app. Here you can enter in a title for your quiz, or a short description of what the quiz is for.

If you’re creating a quiz or a test, you can specify the maximum amount of points that a user can obtain in the Maximum Score field:

The total amount of points that are currently available is automatically updated for you as you add more questions with point values assigned to them. You can also shuffle the questions by checking this button:

If you would like to start adding questions to your quiz, simply click on “Add Question”:

This will bring you to the Question Editor which we’ll go over next.

How To Create A Question In The Questionnaire Feature

The Question Editor is where you can create new questions, or edit pre-existing ones, for your quiz. Let’s go over the different parts of the Question Editor:

Question Title

The Question Title is what appears in the app dashboard when looking at the list of questions in your quiz. You can think of this as a way for you the app owner to organize your quiz.

Question Body

The Question Body is what appears as the question to the app user. This can be the same as the Question Title if you’d like, or can be completely different, it’s up to you. You can think of the Question Title as what appears to you when setting up the quiz, and the Question Body as what appears to the user when they’re taking the quiz.


The Answers section is where you set up the answers for your quiz.

Click “Add Answer” to add an answer to the question:

If you decide to have multiple answers you can choose to have them appear in a different order for each user if you select the “Shuffle Answers” option.

Answer Template (Optional)

The Answer Template is an optional feature that can be integrated with other features within your app such as the Document Manager. If you would like to learn more about this integration we encourage you to reach out to your Account Manager to discuss it more.

Once you have completed setting up the question and its answers, click “Save Question” at the bottom of the question editor.

Note: You can add as many answers to a question as you’d like, but we recommend that you don’t overload your users with question options. Also, users can only pick one answer from the list of answers, so keep that in mind when creating questions with multiple choices for answers.

As you create questions you can adjust the order of the questions, see analytical data about them, edit them, and delete them with these buttons:

Along with the settings in the Question Editor, you can also adjust additional settings in the “Settings” tab:

What Settings Are Found In The Settings Tab

Inside of the Settings Tab of the Questionnaire Feature you’ll see a number of additional settings that you can use to adjust your quiz to your liking. When you click on the “Settings” tab you’ll see three options General, Action Items, and Language.

In the General section you have control over these settings:

Post To API

If you should need additional information on How to Use an API in the Free Text Questionnaire click here

If you have your own API you can have our system send results to it in the form of a JSON file. If you would like to learn more about this we encourage you to get in contact with your Account Manager.


Enabling Pass/Fail allows you to set a minimum score that users will need to reach in order to pass your quiz or test.

Show Score

The Show Score option allows users to see their final score after taking the test when it’s enabled.

Customize Colors

When enabled the Customize Colors setting allows you to set up custom colors that will be used for the background colors of the question tiles in your quiz using their hexcode values. If you don’t enable this, the system will randomly cycle through pre-set colors for those tiles’ background colors.

Allow Review

Enabling Allow Review gives the user the ability to review the answers that they submitted. If you applied point totals to answers users will be able to see those as well. This is perfect if you’re created a practice test or quiz for users to take.

Allow Retake

If you enable the Allow Retake option users will be able to retake your quiz as many times as they want which can also help with practice tests in your app!

Allow Skip

Enabling the Allow Skip option gives users the ability to skip a question in the quiz.

Allow Previous

Similar to Allow Skip, enabling the Allow Previous option gives users the ability to go back to previous questions before they submit their answers.

Time Constraint

If you enable the Time Constraint option you can set a time limit for your quiz which appears for users and will begin counting down once they start the quiz.

Test Date Range

Enabling the Test Date Range option allows you to set a start and end date for your quiz.

In the Action section you can assign Action Items using the Action Builder to your quiz which will be triggered based on the user’s quiz score:

In the Language section you can change the language and/or phrases that appear in the quiz.

When setting up the Questionnaire Feature think about how you want to use it. If you’re looking to create a test then you’ll want to make sure to assign point values to the correct answers, as well as enable some of the settings such as Pass/Fail, Time Limit, and Show Score. If you’re simply creating a survey then you might not want to assign point values to answers.

Now that you know how to set up the Questionnaire Feature, let’s go a little bit over the user’s experience when using it.

How The Questionnaire Is Used In Your App

Using the Questionnaire Feature in your app is extremely easy for your users! Depending on the settings you enabled, the screen may look slightly different from these examples, but the overall experience is the same. Here’s how a user takes your quiz in your app:

Step 1: The User Taps On “Start”

As we mentioned earlier in this article, the Test Tile is what users first see when they access your quiz. It will tell them the name of the quiz and how many questions are in it. If you set up a time limit for the quiz that will appear as well. Once the user is ready to take the quiz they will tap on “Start”.

Step 2: The User Answers the Questions You Created

Depending on if you enabled the option to skip or go back to previous questions, the options to do so will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you don’t enable the option to skip a question, the user will need to select an answer before the “Next” option can be tapped on.

As we mentioned before, users are only able to select one answer from the list of answers. If you have questions with Free Text answers in them this prompt will appear when the user taps on the Free Text answer which allows them to type in their answer:

Step 3: The User Taps “Finish” To Submit Their Answers

Once the user has answered all of the questions they’ll be prompted to tap “Finish” to submit their answers.

This will submit their answers and bring them to the End Tile of the quiz. Depending on the settings that you enabled, users can see their score, see if they passed or failed the test, review their answers, retake the test, and more.

Once they are done with the quiz, they’ll tap “Done” and be brought to the feature that you have your quiz housed in. That is unless you set up an Action in the “Actions” page of the Settings tab. If you set up an action that action will be triggered if they meet the criteria that you set up for that action.

You might be thinking to yourself, this is great! But how do I see my user’s results? Well we’re glad you asked! Let’s now go over the Results page in the Questionnaire Feature.

What Information Can I Gather On The Results Page

Over time more and more people will take your quiz and you probably want to track how your users are doing which you can do in the Results page.

Note: in order for user’s results to be recorded they will need to be logged-in to your app, so you may want to enable the log-in requirement in the Security tab of the Questionnaire Feature.

When you click on the results page you’ll see all of the users who have taken your quiz.

You can search for specific users as well as filter out results based on when the quiz was completed.

If you would like to see an individual user’s performance you can click “view” next to their score:

This will take you to that individual’s quiz results where you can gather information such as when they took the quiz, how long it took, and what their answers were. If you enabled the option for your quiz to be retaken, these results will be updated when that user takes the quiz again.

Congratulations! You now know how to use the Questionnaire Feature! We know that there was a lot to cover, but we hope this article helped! If you would like to get in contact with one of our App Specialists to learn more about adding this feature to your app, we encourage you to reach out to us.

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