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The Container Folder Tutorial

The Container Folder gives your users the ability to select what kind of content they’d like to see when they open your app.

Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What is the Container Folder?

The Container Folder is a great feature that provides you with the ability to separate the content of your app into categories. Your users can then select which of these categories or options they'd like to see as the primary screen the next time they open the app! The Container Folder will remember this selection in the future and will automatically send them to that content the next time they open your app. This helps your users get to the content that they’re most interested in faster and helps improve their overall experience within your app.

In this article, we’ll go over some use cases of the Container Folder, how to set it up in the App Dashboard, how it’s used within your app, some pro tips that we believe will help you with this feature, and finally some related articles.

What are some use cases of the Container Folder?

There’s a number of different ways that the Container Folder can be used. Some use cases of this feature are:

  • Educational Apps: You can use this feature to break down your content either by grade-level or subject matter and allow your users to go directly to the content related to their grade or area of study.

  • Multilingual Apps: With the Container Folder, you can create multiple versions of your app. You can create one for each language that you want to present it in and then give your users the ability to select which language they’d like to view your app in.

  • Internal Use Apps: If you have an app built for your company, you can use this feature to automatically direct your employees to their appropriate department or workgroup within the app.

  • News Apps: Whether you're building a Political or Technology News app with the Container Folder, your users can select the type of news that they’d like to view. Political news apps can break down their stories based on party and Technology news apps can separate their stories based on specified categories such as OS, Device Type.

What is the Container Folder’s primary function and what are the steps to accomplish it?

As we mentioned earlier, the primary function of the Container Folder is to give you the ability to provide options for your users to choose from based on the content that they want to see in your app. It will then remember their selection for future app use. Next, we’ll go over how to set up the Container Folder and then how it’s used within your app.

Before we go over how to set it up, we should mention that the Container Folder works best when it’s set as your app’s Home Screen. This is so that after a user has selected an option, the next time they open your app, they’ll automatically be brought to that option’s content without having to make the choice again. If you don’t know how to assign the Container Folder as your app’s Home Screen, we encourage you to check out this article.

How to set up the Container Folder

Setting up the Container Folder is extremely easy. After you’ve decided if you want to use the Container Folder as your app’s Home Screen or not, follow these steps to set it up.

Step 1: Create the Features that you want to offer as options

First, we recommend that you create the features that you’ll offer as your options. For this article, we’ll use a fun example of some animal related items. We’ve created three Folder features: Cat Stuff, Dog Stuff, and Capybara Stuff:

You can either create these features by visiting the Marketplace under App Components:

Or if you’re already in the Container Folder you can click “Add Feature”:

Then click on “Add New Feature”:

This will bring up a “mini” version of the Feature Marketplace where you can create new instances of any feature that you want to use as an option:

We used Folders as our options, because they allow us to include multiple features within them that will be related to the selected animal folder specified, but you can use any of the features that we offer as your options.

Step 2: Assign those features as your options in the Container Folder

Once you’ve created features to use as the options in the Container Folder, click on the “Add Feature” button, then select the features that you want to use as your options and click “Apply”:

This will add the features to the Container Folder as options:

Step 3: (Optional) Customize your added features’ background images and names

Now that your options have been set, you could technically use the feature as-is; however, most people will want to change the background image and/or name of their options. You can change the name of the option by clicking on it’s name field. You may also change it’s background image by clicking on the icon next to its name in the App Dashboard:

Doing so will open up the Media Library. From here, you can upload your own images or use the stock ones provided:

Step 4: (Optional) Adjust the text above your options

If you would like to adjust the text that appears above your added features, you can do so by using the Text WYSIWYG in the App Dashboard:

Congratulations! Your Container Folder is now set up! Next we’ll go over how it’s used within your app.

How the Container Folder is used within your app

Using the Container Folder is extremely easy! All your users need to do is tap on the option that they’d like to see whenever they open your app:

This will then take them to that feature and its contents. It will also automatically direct them here whenever they access the Container Folder in your app:

It’s as easy as that! Each user only needs to make their selection once and the Container Folder will remember their choice. Next, we'll talk about how to change your primary selection.

How to change your primary selection

At times, your users may want to select a different primary category or option to be displayed upon opening your app. If your app has bookmarks enabled, there will be a bookmark called "Change Selection." Selecting this will take your user to the home screen of your Container Folder where they can select a different opening category.

If bookmarks are hidden, you can create an action item that links your users back to the Container Folder using this custom query string, {"allowSelect": true}. Users that click this Action Item will be directed to the to the home screen of your Container Folder. See the example below:

Step 1: Creating an Action Item to direct users back to the Home Page of the Container folder

In this example, we input the text, "Change Primary Selection" in the Text WYSIWYG field within our Folder Feature. This will display the text as well as its action at the top of your Folder Feature. As a reminder, you are welcome to use any feature you like as well as any text. Highlight the text and click "Action Item." This is will open the Action Item settings.

Step 2: Selecting your Container Folder

Select "App Content" under the App Sections drop down menu. Select your Container Folder Feature.

Step 3: Enabling Deeplinks

Once you've selected your Container Folder, you will see some options towards the bottom of the window. Check the box labeled "Deeplink To Feature Content." Checking off this box will populate additional options.

Step 4: Input the Custom Query String

Check off the box labeled "Custom Query String." Then type in or copy/paste the following string: {"allowSelect": true} and hit save.

Your Action Item is ready to go!

Please note: This is one of several ways to create an Action Item to direct your users back to the home page of your Container Folder. This can be added to other sections of your app as well, such as the Navbar, Side Menu, etc.

Next we’ll go over some Pro Tips that we think will help you with the Container Folder.

What are some Pro Tips you should know to help take your app to the next level?

Having worked with apps for years, we’ve learned a thing or two. So, to both help your app stand out and help you take full advantage of the Container Folder, here are some tips you should consider.

Pro Tip 1: Think about how you’re going to group your content

Because the Container Folder remembers your user’s choices it’s extremely important that you think about how the content of your app will be grouped. You don’t want to hide information related to one option within a different one. Doing so could negatively affect your user’s experience when navigating through your app.

Pro Tip 2: Include all of the options in your Side Menu as well

An easy way to give your users access to the other options is by including all of them in your Side Menu. That way the other options are only a tap away!

Pro Tip 3: Use the Container Folder to turn your app multilingual

One of the use cases that we mentioned in this article was that you can use the Container Folder to provide multiple language versions of your app. This is great for apps that are used in areas where there’s more than one primary language such as Canada or Europe. In order to turn your app into a multilingual one you’ll need to make a copy of each feature within your app for each language that you want to offer. So for certain Canadian provinces you’ll need to create both English and French versions of each feature and group them in their own respective folders which you’ll then use as your options.

What are some related articles?

In addition to this article, we recommend checking out the following related articles so that you have a better insight into how to best use our system:

Still have questions? No problem! Reach out to us and we’d be happy to help :)

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